
Refreshingly clean laundry

Corona Maske Junge
Corona Maske Mädchen

Zutritt nur mit aufge-setzter FFP2-Maske!

Drying - step by step

1 - Preparation of the laundry

Before drying, take another close look in the pockets of your textiles, especially in the pockets of your pants. Often you can still find paper tissues, coins, pens, screws, keys or even banknotes or your cell phone. In the worst case, your laundry or the contents of your pockets are damaged, and damage to the machines cannot be excluded.

Also, roll down cuffs and close all zippers, snaps and hooks. Tie ribbons together. It is best to dry underwire bras in a laundry bag or pillowcase. Please also follow the care instructions on the labels of your laundry.

2 -  Dryer selection

Before you pay for one or more machines at the central control unit, take a look at it. Make sure that the machines you want are clean (also inside). Otherwise, please choose other machines; we would be glad to receive your info.

3 - Filling the dryer

Load the drum only to about half full! If the machine is overloaded, the warm air cannot circulate  and the drying process will take much longer than normal.

4 - Operating the central control unit

Tap on "Drying" on the central control unit. Then select your machine. In the menu that appears, select the desired drying time. Make sure to select the correct program; after purchase, a program change is no longer possible! Tap on "Buy". You will be prompted to pay. After payment, the machine will be unlocked and you will be offered to print the receipt.

5 - Start the maschine

Now the dryer only needs to be started with one of the three temperature selection buttons (low, medium, high) on the machine.

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braunschweigs laundromat no. 1

bültenweg 80

38106 braunschweig


© 2024

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legal disclosure

contact 01515 - 66 88 11 2  (no 24/7 service. try again later if necessary)
